Why should I be nice?

Why should I be nice, when people are going to take advantage of me anyway?

Why should I be nice, when all it's ever gotten me into is more pain?

Why should anyone be nice? When everyone takes advantage of that niceness, when people treat you differently once you realize that you shouldn't be so nice anymore? When other people have gotten the glory, all because you were nice?

Because when you're nice, you feel good about yourself, right? You do it because you have morals, because it's a part of your personality because you don't know how to do anything else. And it's a good thing, really. Being nice makes you feel at peace. You're not a bitch by nature, nobody is.

When you're nice, people like you. Trust you. Believe you. When you're nice, you don't get in the middle of fights. You don't get jealous. You don't feel angry. You don't feel hurt.

That's what's supposed to happen, anyway.

Why should anyone be nice, when it leads to pain? When it leads to thoughts like

They only liked me because I'm nice.

They only like me because I'd do anything for them.

They only like me because I'd drop everything and run for them.

They only like me because I'd take a bullet for them.

They only like me because I'll speak on behalf of them. Protect them.

And all the while, while people do those things, there are people sneering from behind them.

In all reality, it's so easy to take advantage of nice people - they don't know better, right? They're blinded, right? No.

In the minds of a nice person, they're naive. They believe that just because they're nice, everyone else is nice too. Full of rainbows and promises, of smiles and love. Of true friendship and happiness. Then shit hits the fan and then the nice person realizes; they've been taking advantage to me.

You have never known betrayal until that moment. And it bubbles, bubbles inside you until you can't take it anymore. You cry, you sob and you curse. You hit the walls and write in journals and blog your thoughts. But you know what happens next?

You continue being nice.

Because you don't know how to do anything else.


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