Impossible | Possible

Is it possible to realize how perfect for you someone is in the blink of an eye?

Is it possible to fall so hard and so fast that you can't see straight and you can't move right and you can't breathe the same way and you can't write the way you used to?

Is it possible to be so taken by the way he makes you laugh and smile, so happy with the words he tells you and sends you; is it possible to feel so high on a morning text?

Because it should be impossible.

It should be impossible to feel emotions of this caliber, to be affected and be so broken by a word, a thought, a sentence.

It should be impossible to suddenly be so happy and then to remember what it's like to have everything taken away from you again.

It should be impossible to be so mad, so angry, so hurt, but not at him, never at him, but at yourself. At the situation.

It should be impossible to feel so high, to be so happy, to be so taken, too fall so hard and so fast...

But it was possible for me.


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