#IntoxikaitingReads: Six of Crows (a book review)

Disclaimer: The following blog post contains spoilers for Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Viewer discretion is advised You have been warned.

*shrieks at the perfection of it all*
Here's the story - Once upon a time, I read Bardugo's Shadow and Bone, the first in her Grisha trilogy. And I loved it, I did. Honestly. But it wasn't a 'frothing at the mouth because I need to read the next one' good. It wasn't a 'holy crap this is an amazing series I need more' good. It was good. And I had no problem with that. To make a long story short, I didn't get truly attached to the Grisha trilogy, which is why I was reluctant to buy this beautiful book. (I would explain why I'm not as attached to the Grisha trilogy, but that's another story. Another review.) Of course, every time I passed it by in the bookstore, I was always tempted to buy it; the cover was dark and beautiful, and the summary was intriguing. A heist? Six convict-esque people? Hmmmm. And yet, nothing truly compelled me to actually pick up the book and go to the counter. 

And then I became active on Tumblr again. I caught glimpses of 'Six of Crows', '#soc', and raving reviews and beautiful quotes. In particular, I remember seeing this specific exchange between Wylan and Jesper - 

"Close your eyes!"
"You can't kiss me from down there, Wylan."
"Just do it!" 

and I remember thinking that it sounded witty, funny, and the kind of fluff that I enjoyed in books. (I had no idea what was actually going on during that scene, mind you) And after being endlessly tempted via Tumblr, I decided to give it a check on GoodReads. After seeing the raving reviews, the multiple POV's (I actually adore books with multiple POVs, it helps me get a better grasp of the situation), and hearing about lovable characters, I couldn't resist anymore. I did it. I bought the book.

No regrets. No regrets. Here's what I have to say. 

The characters. Let me get this straight - I need to relate to characters in order for me to love a certain book. I need to be able to understand why they do a certain act, why they feel a certain way, and I just need to overall fall in love with them. Leigh Bardugo created six extremely different, extremely beautiful characters, and made me fall in love with all six of them, one at a time. Inej Ghafa is hands down, my favorite character. She was trained to be invisible, to be silent and deadly, and be a spy for her leader. Inej gathers intel on different people, so that Kaz can use it against them.What I just love about Inej is that she's just... she's so... it's indescribable how ideal her character is to me. I couldn't help but feel for Inej, at the trauma she had as a child, the soft spot Kaz has for her, it's just - I'm just - agh. Kaz Brekker (*fans self*) is the aforementioned leader, the one who would obviously fight tooth-and-nail to get whatever he wanted... and it wouldn't be beneath him to play dirty, either. What I enjoyed about Kaz is the way you gradually learn his backstory - what made Kaz, Kaz. His character suddenly makes sense, his tormenting feelings suddenly become more intense, and the way he tries his hardest to keep his gang together is just admirable. Kaz Brekker, you smooth criminal, you.

Wylan Van Eck is my little cinnamon roll, and there's nothing you can do about it. I love this boy. I admit at first, I was doubtful when I saw him in the middle of spies, thieves, and convicts. How the hell is he going to fit in? I thought to myself. Then he helped Jesper and the entire gang out (in the above exchange) with his expertise (or whatever he calls it) in demolition. And then he just became this sassy little beast, had a much bigger role than was intended for him in the first place, and I just - my cinnamon roll. Jesper Fahey is the sharp shooter with a sharp mouth, as well.... and can I just say I shipped the two of them since they started bickering? Shipping aside (because that tends to make me biased), Jesper intrigued me, mainly because he was the one I had the most doubt in. I don't know, Jesper just made me... twitchy? That doesn't mean he wasn't a wonderful character, though. He's snarky and amazing.

Nina Zenik, my spirit angel, is a heartrender with an amazingly heartbreaking backstory. I will try not to go into much detail, but Nina and Matthias' love is something else entirely. If Kaz and Inej are a bumbling, clumsy hot mess, and Jesper and Wylan are the comedic relief couple, then Nina and Matthias are a typhoon of emotions. I also love the fact that Nina is described as chubby? I rarely see characters that aren't paper dolls! Matthias Helvar was, okay, I admit, not one of my favorites, but I still love him all the same. I feel for him the same way I feel for Peter (Divergent series); I can love him, and then hate him. Love him, love him, love him, hate him. Hate him, hate him, love him. There is such a roller coaster of emotions whenever it's Matthias' POV. 

The plot - and the verdict. 

Kaz Brekker is the man of your wildest dreams is the leader of a gang, a thief with a talent for not getting caught. At his side is Inej, his Wraith and confidant, who he liberated from the Menagerie. One night, he is given the job of a lifetime - the chance for he and a crew of five others to earn four million kruge each, if they break into the Ice Court and break a very, very important person out. Kaz, who is known as someone who would commit any sin for the right price, is not bothered by details; all he wants is the money. He gathers up his crew - Inej, a spy; Nina, a heartrender; Matthias, a convict; Wylan, a runaway with some other hidden purpose; and Jesper, a sharpshooter. What follows is a dark, beautifully haunting tale of these six young characters as they try to discern what's right from wrong. 

I loved every minute of it. I really did. I will sing praises for this book from now until forevermore; that's how much I loved Six of Crows. As I mentioned earlier, it is a must for me to fall in love with the characters - and Leigh Bardugo didn't disappoint me. Her writing style is just so easy, dark and beautiful. You flow through the story, and you see everything that's happening from a certain character's point of view.

I skimmed through the table of contents before reading it, and was a bit overwhelmed by not one, not two, not three, but seven different POV's. (The six minus Wylan, plus Rollins and Joost) I had been reassured that I'd still love the story anyway despite the multiple POVs, but I was starting to have doubts. How would I be able to keep in track of seven different POVs? It turned out that I didn't even have to worry about that. Each character has a specific back story and view, a 'taste', if you will. You get so involved and stuck in that character that you have no choice but to keep track of their different stories, and it's not even a hard thing to do in the first place! How could you forget Inej's childhood? How could you forget Jordie? Or Jarl Brum? Or adventures of togetherness, of a taboo union? How could you forget how Kaz and Inej first met, or how Jesper and Wylan keep on lowkey high key flirting with each other? You just don't. 

I'm personally a sucker for romantic stories, but I also admire books that achieve some sort of equilibrium between action, drama and romance - just like this book. I was very, very satisfied with the ships that were presented, and.... *drum roll* No annoying love polygons!!!!!!!!!!!! (Adds a hundred more exclamation points) 

Something negative, something negative.... Kaz Freaking Brekker has no idea how to flirt properly Wait, not that... Nina didn't get to kiss Matthias unconscious ..... Jesper you little twit Nope I can't. Sorry

I'm confident in the 10/10 I give to this book - I highly recommend it for people who are looking for something a bit more serious, and looking for more characters to fall in love with. I promise you, you won't be disappointed.

Quotes: (Oh, just be prepared for the onslaught of quotes I have just for you readers.) 

"Scheming face?" "Definitely." - Inej Ghafa & Jesper Fahey

"Did we win?" "I'm here, aren't I?" <...> "Keep talking, Wraith. Don't slip away from me." "But its' what I do best." - Inej Ghafa & Kaz Brekker

"Listen to me. You have two choices. You tell me what I want to know, and we drop you at our net port with your pockets full of enough coin to get you sewn up and buy you passage back to Kerch. Or I take the other eye, and I repeat this conversation with a blind man." - Kaz Brekker

She wouldn't wish love on anyone. It was the guest you welcomed and then couldn't be rid of. - Nina Zenik

"Sleep is a luxury at Hellgate. It's a danger.. But when I slept, I dreamed of you." - Matthias Helvar

"Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost." 
"I'll just hire Matthias' ghost to kick your ghost's ass." 
"My ghost won't associate with your ghost." - Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker & Matthias Helvar

"It's just so much easier to kill people than take care of them." - Nina Zenik

"He was afraid for you." 
"Kaz isn't afraid of anything." 
"You should have seen his face when he brought you to me." "
I'm a very valuable investment." 
"Tell me he didn't say that." 
"Of course he did.Well, not the valuable part." 
"Idiot." - Nina Zenik & Inej Ghafa

"I'm not a criminal."
"No, you're a flautist who fell in with bad company." - Wylan Van Eck & Kaz Brekker

"It's like watching two bobcats circle each other."
"But what do they mean to do when they pounce?"
"Claw each other to death?"
"No wonder you do so badly at the tables." - Jesper Fahey & Inej Ghafa

"I want to show you something."
"I'm well, thanks for asking. How are you?" Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa

He needed to know she believed in him. - Kaz Brekker

"I. Should. Let. You. Die," Matthias muttered in time with his compressions.

"I wish you could see what I do. I can hear every body on this ship, the blood rushing through their veins. I can hear the change in Kaz's breathing when he looks at you."
"You... You can?"
"It catches every time, like he's never seen you before." - Nina Zenik & Inej Ghafa

"Stay. Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me."
"What would be the point?"
"I want you stay. I want you to... I want you."
"You want me. And how will you have me, Kaz? How will you have me? Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch? I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker, or not at all." - Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa

(Note: There are too many good quotes. These are just my favorites.) 


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