Characters that I have dangerous feelings for

There are characters I love dearly, as if they were my own children. There are characters I hate with the burning passion of a thousand suns. There are characters that I would like to climb like a tree. And then there are characters that make me feel too goddamn much. While the other three categories are definitely ideas for future blog posts, I thought I'd start with this one, as it's been triggered by one of the characters on the list.

That being said, here is the list of characters that make me feel dangerous feelings, either because I relate to them too much, or I would like to swaddle them up in blankets and hide them away from the authors before they get killed/grievously injured/kidnapped. Unless it's too late.

Limitations: Strictly for book-verse characters. One character per series. (My aching heart.) 

1. Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices. Cassandra Clare) 

Your city is under attack. The wards have been broken, and the streets are full of demons. And you want to know why I haven't called you? - Magnus Bane, City of Glass.

Magnus Bane is.... the bane of my existence. gets shot No, seriously. I love love love the sassy warlock, there is nothing no one can do to make me say otherwise. He is depth. He is funny. He is ridiculously smooth until Alec shows up and it just melts my heart every time. While I don't technically own copies of TMI or TID (I read eBooks, and my sister owns the hard copies of TMI), I saved up all my money back in college to buy the Bane Chronicles, which easily fits onto the shelf of my favorite books of all time. He is a Character, and I say that with a capital C, because that is what it is. Magnus is the character I want to shield from an author at all costs, because damn it please don't do anything to this amazing creature. Do not. 

2. Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck (Iron Fey series, Julie Kagawa)

You're kind of blind, you know? I wouldn't defy Oberon just for anyone. But for you... I'd come back from the dead for you. - Puck, The Iron Daughter

It was my good friend, Ayrish, who pointed out to me one day that I was someone who always, always rooted for the person who was least likely to win in a love triangle. Puck was not an exception. I've always been weak in the knees when it comes to red-headed prankster types (Peter Pan, Weasley twins, etc.), so when I discovered Puck's character, I was sold. He is on this list because I felt so strongly for this character that it hurt. Slated to lose Meghan Chase's love from the minute some Fae prince stepped into play, I rooted for Puck even though it hurt like crazy. For that brief moment when it seemed like they were in love, when Puck decided to go and get Meghan Chase with the Fae prince who stole her away from him.... I shipped that ship so hard and I didn't get anything but a kiss and heart-wrenching quotes in return. WHY PUCK WHY.

3. Inej Ghafa, aka The Wraith (Six of Crows series, Leigh Bardugo) 

I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker, or not at all. - Inej Ghafa, Six of Crows

Meet the lovely lady who actually triggered me to write this list. Inej is everything I could hope for in a fictional character - strong, brilliant, snarky, bad-ass, unique. In a way, the moment I read Inej's POV, I had that Moment. That, 'oh my god, this is brilliant, she is wonderful, I need more' moment. I brought myself on a roller coaster ride that went up and down and off the tracks, and I just can't deal with this anymore, I need more. Unlike the two aforementioned, she's had such an impact me only after one book. With Magnus, I read a total of nine books in which he is a part, and approximately five for Puck. Inej gave me dangerous feels with one book, and that's saying something. I'm very excited to read Crooked Kingdom.

Runner-Up: Kaz Brekker. Of course. I just cannot with that boy.

4. Seven, aka Marina (I Am Number Four series, Pittacus Lore)

They have him. They have his body and I'm not letting them keep it. - Marina, Revenge of Seven

As far as I'm concerned, John and Sarah (oh my God you have no idea what those generic names do to me. I just get so irritated by them.) can scoot on over to the side and let Marina, Six, Eight and Nine do all the work, while said couple go and make out in the corner. I love Marina. Marina is life. I have to admit that at first, it was Six who had more of my attention than Marina. That being said, Six is part of my 'Characters I Love' list, while Marina is my 'Characters I have dangerous feelings for'. (spoiler alert for those who haven't read Fall of Five) Marina had my dangerous feelings right when Eight died. And then again once she had found his body, and got to talk to him again. I will go down with this ship.

5. Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games series, Suzanne Collins) 

"Did you love Annie right away, Finnick?" <...> "No. She crept up on me." - Finnick Odair, Mockingjay

Of course I loved Finnick way before they slated Sam freaking Claflin to play him. Finnick was funny. Finnick was seductive. Finnick was snarky, and deep, and thoughtful. Finnick died Finnick was so deeply rooted in love with Annie that I believed in that way more than I did for Katniss and Liam Hemsworth (I have no idea how to separate the movieverse from the book, I'm so sorry). I just have so many feelings when it comes to Finnick (and Annie). Because you'd think that he was some sort of playboy extraordinaire. Honestly, I did too. But then he mentioned Annie, and... well, FEELINGS.

6. Sirius Black (Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling) 

I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for. - Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Oh, Sirius. Sirius Sirius Sirius Sirius. All the deaths in Harry Potter hurt me in ways I couldn't even begin to imagine. But among all of them (and this was a hard one), I just have too many feels for Padfoot. The thing is, his life was too short. It probably would have hurt less if he died later on in the series, say, during the war? But nooooo, the queen just had to kill him off right when we were just starting to love him. Sirius was the father figure, the ultimate friend, etc. It just pains me to think about the 'What if's'. The thing is, he was so happy to be able to take care of his godchild again, and it was ripped away from him.
Runner Up: Neville Longbottom - the boy's been through too much, I tell you. Too much. You can sit with us. 

These are the six characters that I will obviously make a fort for and hunker down in with. Only six? Only six? It was hard to find characters that I felt specific feelings for; this is basically my feelsy feels feels group. As for favorite characters, well...... that's an entirely different story.


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